Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kortney has BIG NEWS!!



This is a blog from Kortney!! Take it away Kort...

On January 28th I got my new glasses. They're a pinkish purple color. My mom had to take me from a primary activity just so I could get my new glasses. All my friends were amazed that I got glasses. Everyone was like "Is that Kortney's twin?". They were just teasing me though. They were not being mean. We were just playing around. I have had my glasses for five days. My mom said that I look normal like I've had them forever. I started to laugh about it at school. My friends were always saying that I look different. When I got home from the primary activity I started to watch T.V. from the stairs.


Melanie said...

You look so good! Isn't it nice to be able to SEE. I remember after I got my glasses that I was so amazed that I could see the individual strands of hair on people across the room. Way to go Kort!

Carolyn said...

Awesome Kortney. You look beautiful. I remember getting my glasses, that first step was crazy. I thought I was going to fall.

Papa and Mama said...

I like your new glasses. You look beautiful! Of course you looked beautiful before too.

My amazing memory of glasses was after I got my glasses I was walking to my mom's work in a snow storm. Until then I hadn't realized that you could actually see individual flakes of snow.