Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kelly is home, safe & sound!

The backdrop to their beach camp.^(And he calls this work.)
Kelly holding a endangered Razorback Sucker.^
Kelly & Mark checking out some old ruins.^
Steve on the duffle raft. It holds all their supplies.^
Kori standing in the cage, netting the shocked fish.^
Sunset and their camp on the beach.^
Kelly "Thunder" Cambridge!^
Pretty Scenery.^
Kori takes a "shower".^
Jay rowing the raft.^

Kelly is off the river and he's safe. Being the worrier that I am, I worried every day. I was hoping all would be okay and he was. He took a lot of great pictures. I wish I could put them all on. We have a video of Kelly on the river. He was on a raft with his cousin Jay and they hit a rock and almost flipped the raft over. I would post it, but there are a few bad words on it. They got stuck on several rocks and were extremely lucky they didn't flip. Kelly slept on beaches at night out under the stars. (Because he forgot his tent.) The kids and I missed him, but we made it through a crazy, busy week.