Monday, January 11, 2010

It's about time...

So, it's been a while...blah, blah, blah... I need to get back into the habit of posting. I even forgot how to get into my own blog. I could make it my New Year Resolution, but then I would definitely not get it done. Oh well. New year, clean slate, fresh start.

Kelly is busy with the ice fishing contest. Thank goodness he hired a couple of people to cover the weekends for him! Now we will get to see him from time to time. He isn't going back to school until Fall so I plan on keeping him busy with "Honey-Do"s" Lucky man!

Jalynn is playing basketball. It keeps busy. She still gets to have fun though. New Years Eve she got to go to her first Tri-Stake Dance. I couldn't wait to hear all about it, then fell asleep before she got home. (Found out the next morning that she had fun and "No..I didn't dance with just him!"...hehehe)

Kortney had her first piano recital. So cool. She is learning to play the violin at school and the piano through private lessons. She got a rip stick for Christmas, but with the snow outside, she can only ride around our kitchen and dining room. She loves to be outside in the cold...I don't know how she can stand it.

Kruz and Kolby are excited to be going back to Joan and Jaden's house after the long holiday break. Thank goodness they love their babysitter! They had a great Christmas and Santa was able to find them. (Whew..we were worried.) Kruz is determined to start his own band at age 4. He got the guitar he has been asking for for 2 years! Kolby got drums, after all, he is in Kruz's band. Kelly gets to be in the band, Jalynn and Kortney have jobs too. Curtains I think. I asked if I could have a job and he said I can sit in the front row and cheer. Yay! Fan club president!

Hope all is well with you!


Unknown said...

Aww...your family is so adorable. I just miss you guys!

Mar~ said...

So cute!
Glad you are all doing well.
Love you.