Sunday, November 2, 2008

Take the Time!

Kelly had to give a talk in Sacrament last week about the Gift of Time. I have been thinking a lot about that lately. It is something that I haven't thought about much until lately. I often think about how I need more time. Always need more time. But what am I doing with the time I do have? Am I spending it doing the things I am supposed to be doing? I have had a lot of guilt the last month of so about how much scrap booking I do. Then one evening my kids and I got out my old scrapbooks. The one Grandma Richens gave me, One I put together when I was young, and two that I put together the first part of our marriage. They are so simple, but I love them. The kids got such a kick out of them. They laughed uncontrollably at a 'bare bum' picture of Daniel. They loved Grandpa's side burns and Grandma's bell-bottoms. I heard all sorts of comments like: "Why did you do your bangs half up and half down?" "Look what Mom is wearing!" "He's wearing high-waters!" Not all of the comments were making fun though. Many of them were about how skinny or young someone looked. There were also about how one person looks so much like another person. It was so fun to sit and not think about a lot of the other things we usually worry about. We got to go back in time and remember things that I wouldn't normally remember and see things the kids wouldn't normally get to see. Then I remembered why I scrapbook...So I can sit with my kids, grand kids, and who knows, maybe even my great-grand kids and look, laugh and enjoy the captured moments.


Melanie said...

Memories fade. Scrapbooking is important so that we can help keep the memories sharp. It only becomes a problem if we let it consume our lives.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful thought-how awesome that your kids can enjoy one of your passions.